
D. Edelson

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3EEG. A. Nikolakopoulou, D. Edelson, Norm L. Schryer: Modelling chemically reacting flow systems - II : An Adaptive spatial mesh techniques for problems with discontinuities and steep fronts. Computers & Chemistry 6(3): 93-99 (1982)
2EED. Edelson, Norm L. Schryer: Modeling chemically reacting flow system-l. A cornparison of finite difference and finite element methods for one-dimensional reactive diffusion. Computers & Chemistry 2(2): 71-74 (1978)
1EED. Edelson: A simulation language and compiler to aid computer solution of chemical kinetic problems. Computers & Chemistry 1(1): 29-34 (1976)

Coauthor Index

1G. A. Nikolakopoulou [3]
2Norm L. Schryer [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)