
Stefan Edelkamp

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72 Stefan Edelkamp, Peter Kissmann: Limits and Possibilities of BDDs in State Space Search. AAAI 2008: 1452-1453
71 Björn Ulrich Borowsky, Stefan Edelkamp: Optimal Metric Planning with State Sets in Automata Representation. AAAI 2008: 874-879
70EEStefan Edelkamp, Peter Sanders, Pavel Simecek: Semi-external LTL Model Checking. CAV 2008: 530-542
69EEPeter Kissmann, Stefan Edelkamp: Symbolic Classification of General Multi-Player Games. ECAI 2008: 905-906
68EEStefan Edelkamp, Peter Kissmann: Symbolic Classification of General Two-Player Games. KI 2008: 185-192
67EEStefan Edelkamp, Peter Kissmann: Partial Symbolic Pattern Databases for Optimal Sequential Planning. KI 2008: 193-200
66EEStefan Edelkamp, Peter Kissmann: Limits and Possibilities of BDDs in State Space Search. KI 2008: 46-53
65EEMarco Bakera, Stefan Edelkamp, Peter Kissmann, Clemens D. Renner: Solving µ-Calculus Parity Games by Symbolic Planning. MoChArt 2008: 15-33
64EEStefan Edelkamp, Shahid Jabbar, Peter Kissmann: Scaling Search with Pattern Databases. MoChArt 2008: 49-64
63EEStefan Edelkamp, Viktor Schuppan, Dragan Bosnacki, Anton Wijs, Ansgar Fehnker, Husain Aljazzar: Survey on Directed Model Checking. MoChArt 2008: 65-89
62EEStefan Edelkamp, Damian Sulewski: Flash-Efficient LTL Model Checking with Minimal Counterexamples. SEFM 2008: 73-82
61EEStefan Edelkamp, Shahid Jabbar, Damian Sulewski: Distributed Verification of Multi-threaded C++ Programs. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 198(1): 33-46 (2008)
60 Stefan Edelkamp, Stefan Leue, Willem Visser: Directed Model Checking, 26.04. - 29.04.2006 Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fuer Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany 2007
59 Stefan Edelkamp, Alessio Lomuscio: Model Checking and Artificial Intelligence, 4th Workshop, MoChArt IV, Riva del Garda, Italy, August 29, 2006, Revised Selected and Invited Papers Springer 2007
58 Dragan Bosnacki, Stefan Edelkamp: Model Checking Software, 14th International SPIN Workshop, Berlin, Germany, July 1-3, 2007, Proceedings Springer 2007
57 Stefan Edelkamp, Shahid Jabbar, Blai Bonet: External Memory Value Iteration. ICAPS 2007: 128-135
56EEKenneth Kahl, Stefan Edelkamp, Lars Hildebrand: Learning How to Play Hex. KI 2007: 382-396
55EEStefan Edelkamp, Peter Kissmann: Externalizing the Multiple Sequence Alignment Problem with Affine Gap Costs. KI 2007: 444-447
54 Stefan Edelkamp, Shahid Jabbar: Cost-Optimal External Planning. AAAI 2006
53EEStefan Edelkamp, Stefan Leue, Willem Visser: 06172 Abstracts Collection -- Directed Model Checking. Directed Model Checking 2006
52EEStefan Edelkamp, Stefan Leue, Willem Visser: 06172 Executive Summary -- Directed Model Checking. Directed Model Checking 2006
51 Stefan Edelkamp: Cost-Optimal Symbolic Planning with State Trajectory and Preference Constraints. ECAI 2006: 841-842
50 Stefan Edelkamp: On the Compilation of Plan Constraints and Preferences. ICAPS 2006: 374-377
49EEStefan Edelkamp, Shahid Jabbar, Alberto Lluch-Lafuente: Heuristic Search for the Analysis of Graph Transition Systems. ICGT 2006: 414-429
48EEStefan Edelkamp: Automated Creation of Pattern Database Search Heuristics. MoChArt 2006: 35-50
47EEStefan Edelkamp, Shahid Jabbar: Real-Time Model Checking on Secondary Storage. MoChArt 2006: 67-83
46EEStefan Edelkamp, Shahid Jabbar: Large-Scale Directed Model Checking LTL. SPIN 2006: 1-18
45EEShahid Jabbar, Stefan Edelkamp: Parallel External Directed Model Checking with Linear I/O. VMCAI 2006: 237-251
44EEStefan Edelkamp, Shahid Jabbar: Action Planning for Directed Model Checking of Petri Nets. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 149(2): 3-18 (2006)
43EETilman Mehler, Stefan Edelkamp: Dynamic Incremental Hashing in Program Model Checking. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 149(2): 51-69 (2006)
42EEJörg Hoffmann, Stefan Edelkamp, Sylvie Thiébaux, Roman Englert, Frederico dos S. Liporace, Sebastian Trüg: Engineering Benchmarks for Planning: the Domains Used in the Deterministic Part of IPC-4. J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 26: 453-541 (2006)
41 Stefan Edelkamp, Shahid Jabbar, Alberto Lluch-Lafuente: Cost-Algebraic Heuristic Search. AAAI 2005: 1362-1367
40 Stefan Edelkamp: External Symbolic Heuristic Search with Pattern Databases. ICAPS 2005: 51-60
39EEShahid Jabbar, Stefan Edelkamp: I/O Efficient Directed Model Checking. VMCAI 2005: 313-329
38EEStefan Edelkamp, Shahid Jabbar, Thomas Willhalm: Geometric travel planning. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 6(1): 5-16 (2005)
37EEJörg Hoffmann, Stefan Edelkamp: The Deterministic Part of IPC-4: An Overview. J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 24: 519-579 (2005)
36EEStefan Edelkamp: Generalizing the Relaxed Planning Heuristic to Non-linear Tasks. KI 2004: 198-212
35EEStefan Edelkamp, Shahid Jabbar, Stefan Schrödl: External A*. KI 2004: 226-240
34EEPeter Leven, Tilman Mehler, Stefan Edelkamp: Directed Error Detection in C++ with the Assembly-Level Model Checker StEAM. SPIN 2004: 39-56
33EEStefan Edelkamp, Stefan Leue, Alberto Lluch-Lafuente: Directed explicit-state model checking in the validation of communication protocols. STTT 5(2-3): 247-267 (2004)
32EEStefan Edelkamp, Stefan Leue, Alberto Lluch-Lafuente: Partial-order reduction and trail improvement in directed model checking. STTT 6(4): 277-301 (2004)
31EEStefan Edelkamp, Stefan Schrödl: Route Planning and Map Inference with Global Positioning Traces. Computer Science in Perspective 2003: 128-151
30EEStefan Edelkamp, Shahid Jabbar, Thomas Willhalm: Accelerating Heuristic Search in Spatial Domains. PuK 2003
29EEStefan Edelkamp: Promela Planning. SPIN 2003: 197-212
28EEStefan Edelkamp: Taming Numbers and Durations in the Model Checking Integrated Planning System. J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 20: 195-238 (2003)
27 Stefan Edelkamp: Symbolic Pattern Databases in Heuristic Search Planning. AIPS 2002: 274-283
26 Stefan Edelkamp: Mixed Propositional and Numeric Planning in the Model Checking Integrated Planning System. AIPS Workshop on Planning for Temporal Domains 2002: 47-55
25EEStefan Edelkamp: Memory Limitations in Artificial Intelligence. Algorithms for Memory Hierarchies 2002: 233-250
24EEStefan Edelkamp, Peter Leven: Directed Automated Theorem Proving. LPAR 2002: 145-159
23EEStefan Edelkamp: Taming Numbers and Durations in the Model Checking Integrated Planning System. PuK 2002
22EEAlberto Lluch-Lafuente, Stefan Edelkamp, Stefan Leue: Partial Order Reduction in Directed Model Checking. SPIN 2002: 112-127
21EEStefan Edelkamp, Patrick Stiegeler: Implementing HEAPSORT with (n logn - 0.9n) and QUICKSORT with (n logn + 0.2n) Comparisons. ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics 7: 5 (2002)
20EEStefan Edelkamp: Prediction of Regular Search Tree Growth by Spectral Analysis. KI/ÖGAI 2001: 154-168
19EEStefan Edelkamp, Ulrich Meyer: Theory and Practice of Time-Space Trade-Offs in Memory Limited Search. KI/ÖGAI 2001: 169-184
18EEFalk Hüffner, Stefan Edelkamp, Henning Fernau, Rolf Niedermeier: Finding Optimal Solutions to Atomix. KI/ÖGAI 2001: 229-243
17EEStefan Edelkamp, Alberto Lluch-Lafuente, Stefan Leue: Directed Explicit Model Checking with HSF-SPIN. SPIN 2001: 57-79
16 Stefan Edelkamp, Malte Helmert: MIPS: The Model-Checking Integrated Planning System. AI Magazine 22(3): 67-72 (2001)
15EERichard E. Korf, Michael Reid, Stefan Edelkamp: Time complexity of iterative-deepening-A*. Artif. Intell. 129(1-2): 199-218 (2001)
14EEStefan Edelkamp, Alberto Lluch-Lafuente, Stefan Leue: Trail-directed model checking. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 55(3): (2001)
13 Stefan Edelkamp, Stefan Schrödl: Localizing A*. AAAI/IAAI 2000: 885-890
12EEStefan Edelkamp, Patrick Stiegeler: Pushing the Limits in Sequential Sorting. Algorithm Engineering 2000: 39-50
11EEStefan Edelkamp: Heuristic Search Planning with BDDs. PuK 2000
10EEStefan Edelkamp, Ingo Wegener: On the Performance of WEAK-HEAPSORT. STACS 2000: 254-266
9 Stefan Edelkamp, Malte Helmert: Exhibiting Knowledge in Planning Problems to Minimize State Encoding Length. ECP 1999: 135-147
8EEStefan Schrödl, Stefan Edelkamp: Inferring Flow of Control in Program Synthesis by Example. KI 1999: 171-182
7EEFrank Reffel, Stefan Edelkamp: Error Detection with Directed Symbolic Model Checking. World Congress on Formal Methods 1999: 195-211
6EEStefan Edelkamp, Ingo Wegener: On the performance of WEAK-HEAPSORT Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 6(28): (1999)
5 Stefan Edelkamp: Datenstrukturen und Lernverfahren in der Zustandsraumsuche. KI 13(3): 49-51 (1999)
4 Stefan Edelkamp, Richard E. Korf: The Branching Factor of Regular Search Spaces. AAAI/IAAI 1998: 299-304
3 Stefan Edelkamp: Updating Shortest Paths. ECAI 1998: 655-559
2 Stefan Edelkamp, Frank Reffel: OBDDs in Heuristic Search. KI 1998: 81-92
1 Stefan Edelkamp: Suffix Tree Automata in State Space Search. KI 1997: 381-384

Coauthor Index

1Husain Aljazzar [63]
2Marco Bakera [65]
3Blai Bonet [57]
4Björn Ulrich Borowsky [71]
5Dragan Bosnacki [58] [63]
6Roman Englert [42]
7Ansgar Fehnker [63]
8Henning Fernau [18]
9Malte Helmert [9] [16]
10Lars Hildebrand [56]
11Jörg Hoffmann [37] [42]
12Falk Hüffner [18]
13Shahid Jabbar [30] [35] [38] [39] [41] [44] [45] [46] [47] [49] [54] [57] [61] [64]
14Kenneth Kahl [56]
15Peter Kissmann [55] [64] [65] [66] [67] [68] [69] [72]
16Richard E. Korf [4] [15]
17Stefan Leue [14] [17] [22] [32] [33] [52] [53] [60]
18Peter Leven [24] [34]
19Frederico dos S. Liporace [42]
20Alberto Lluch-Lafuente [14] [17] [22] [32] [33] [41] [49]
21Alessio Lomuscio [59]
22Tilman Mehler [34] [43]
23Ulrich Meyer [19]
24Rolf Niedermeier [18]
25Frank Reffel [2] [7]
26Michael Reid [15]
27Clemens D. Renner [65]
28Peter Sanders [70]
29Stefan Schrödl [8] [13] [31] [35]
30Viktor Schuppan [63]
31Pavel Simecek [70]
32Patrick Stiegeler [12] [21]
33Damian Sulewski [61] [62]
34Sylvie Thiébaux [42]
35Sebastian Trüg [42]
36Willem Visser [52] [53] [60]
37Ingo Wegener [6] [10]
38Anton Wijs [63]
39Thomas Willhalm [30] [38]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)