
Reinhard Eckhorn

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10EEFrank Michler, Thomas Wachtler, Reinhard Eckhorn: Adaptive Feedback Inhibition Improves Pattern Discrimination Learning. ANNPR 2006: 21-32
9EERüdiger Kupper, Reinhard Eckhorn: A Neural Network Model Generating Invariance for Visual Distance. ICANN 2002: 93-98
8 M. Eger, Reinhard Eckhorn: A Model-Based Approach for the Analysis of Neuronal Information Transmission in Multi-Input and -Output Systems. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 12(3): 175-200 (2002)
7 M. Eger, Reinhard Eckhorn: Assessing the Encoding of Stimulus Attributes with Rapid Sequences of Stimulus Events. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 13(3): 207-216 (2002)
6 Martin Pauly, Klaus Kopecz, Reinhard Eckhorn: Gaze Control with Neural Networks: A Unified Approach for Saccades and Smooth Pursuits. IWANN (1) 1999: 113-122
5EEReinhard Eckhorn: Neural mechanisms of scene segmentation: recordings from the visual cortex suggest basic circuits for linking field models. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 10(3): 464-479 (1999)
4 L. Weitzel, Klaus Kopecz, C. Spengler, Reinhard Eckhorn, Herbert J. Reitboeck: Contour Segmentation with Recurrent Neural Networks of Pulse-Coding Neurons. CAIP 1997: 337-344
3 Reinhard Eckhorn: Models of Visual Processing Derived from Cortical Microelectrode Recordings. IWANN 1997: 1005-1027
2EEMichael Stoecker, Reinhard Eckhorn, Herbert J. Reitboeck: Size and position invariant visual representation supports retinotopic maps via selective backward paths: A dynamic second order neural network model for a possible functional role of recurrent connections in the visual cortex. Neurocomputing 17(2): 111-132 (1997)
1EEMichael Stoecker, Herbert J. Reitboeck, Reinhard Eckhorn: A neural network for scene segmentation by temporal coding. Neurocomputing 11(2-4): 123-134 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1M. Eger [7] [8]
2Klaus Kopecz [4] [6]
3Rüdiger Kupper [9]
4Frank Michler [10]
5Martin Pauly [6]
6Herbert J. Reitboeck [1] [2] [4]
7C. Spengler [4]
8Michael Stoecker [1] [2]
9Thomas Wachtler [10]
10L. Weitzel [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)