
Clemens Eckert

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3EEStefan Reitbauer, Falk Kohlmann, Clemens Eckert, Ken Mansfeldt, Rainer Alt: Redesigning business networks: reference process, network and service map. SAC 2008: 540-547
2 Uwe Bracht, Clemens Eckert: Digitale Fabrik - Ein Vorgehensmodell für Virtual Reality in der Fabrik- und Anlagenplanung (Digital Factory - A Proceeding Model for Virtual Reality in Site and Plant Design). it - Information Technology 50(3): 185-191 (2008)
1EEFalk Kohlmann, Stefan Reitbauer, Clemens Eckert, Rainer Alt: Instruments for an Integrated Business Network Redesign in the Financial Industry. FinanceCom 2007: 136-150

Coauthor Index

1Rainer Alt [1] [3]
2Uwe Bracht [2]
3Falk Kohlmann [1] [3]
4Ken Mansfeldt [3]
5Stefan Reitbauer [1] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)