
Claudio Eccher

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5EEElena Cardillo, Claudio Eccher, Luciano Serafini, Andrei Tamilin: Logical Analysis of Mappings between Medical Classification Systems. AIMSA 2008: 311-321
4EEClaudio Eccher, Corrado Priami: Design and implementation of a tool for translating SBML into the biochemical stochastic pi-calculus. Bioinformatics 22(24): 3075-3081 (2006)
3EEClaudio Eccher, Paola Lecca: Translating SBML Models into the Stochastic pi-Calculus for Stochastic Simulation. T. Comp. Sys. Biology: 73-88 (2006)
2 Andrea Sboner, Claudio Eccher, Enrico Blanzieri, Paolo Bauer, Mario Cristofolini, Giuseppe Zumiani, Stefano Forti: A multiple classifier system for early melanoma diagnosis. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 27(1): 29-44 (2003)
1EEEnrico Blanzieri, Claudio Eccher, Stefano Forti, Andrea Sboner: Exploiting Classifier Combination for Early Melanoma Diagnosis Support. ECML 2000: 55-62

Coauthor Index

1Paolo Bauer [2]
2Enrico Blanzieri [1] [2]
3Elena Cardillo [5]
4Mario Cristofolini [2]
5Stefano Forti [1] [2]
6Paola Lecca [3]
7Corrado Priami [4]
8Andrea Sboner [1] [2]
9Luciano Serafini [5]
10Andrei Tamilin [5]
11Giuseppe Zumiani [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)