
Charles M. Eastman

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18EELo Ping Wei, Ellen Yi-Luen Do, Charles M. Eastman: On context of content: a comparative methodology review of how HCI and mass communication analyze blogs and social media. CHI Extended Abstracts 2007: 2753-2758
17EEGhang Lee, Charles M. Eastman, Rafael Sacks: Eliciting information for product modeling using process modeling. Data Knowl. Eng. 62(2): 292-307 (2007)
16EEGhang Lee, Charles M. Eastman, Rafael Sacks, Shamkant B. Navathe: Grammatical rules for specifying information for automated product data modeling. Advanced Engineering Informatics 20(2): 155-170 (2006)
15EECharles M. Eastman, F. Wang, S.-J. You, D. Yang: Deployment of an AEC industry sector product model. Computer-Aided Design 37(12): 1214-1228 (2005)
14EECharles M. Eastman, F. Wang, S.-J. You, D. Yang: Erratum to: "Deployment of an AEC industry sector product model [Computer-Aided Design 37 (12) 1214-1228]". Computer-Aided Design 37(14): 1544 (2005)
13EECharles M. Eastman: Managing integrity in design information flows. Computer-Aided Design 28(6-7): 551-565 (1996)
12EECharles M. Eastman: Out of STEP? Computer-Aided Design 26(5): 338-340 (1994)
11EECharles M. Eastman, Nirva Fereshetian: Information models for use in product design: a comparison. Computer-Aided Design 26(7): 551-572 (1994)
10EECharles M. Eastman: Through the looking glass - why no wonderland? Computer applications in architecture in the USA. Computer-Aided Design 25(7): 453-460 (1993)
9 Charles M. Eastman, Ali R. Kutay: Transaction Management in Design Databases. MIT-JSME Workshop 1989: 334-351
8EECharles M. Eastman: The Use of Object-Oriented Databases to Model Engineering Systems. OODBS 1986: 215-216
7EECharles M. Eastman: Abstractions: A conceptual approach for structuring interaction with integrated CAD systems. Computers & Graphics 9(2): 97-105 (1985)
6 Ali R. Kutay, Charles M. Eastman: Transaction Management in Engineering Databases. Engineering Design Applications 1983: 73-80
5 Charles M. Eastman, Adrian Baer: Database Features for a Design Information System. Data Bases for Interactive Design 1975: 45-53
4 Charles M. Eastman: Automated Space Planning. Artif. Intell. 4(1): 41-64 (1973)
3 Charles M. Eastman: Preliminary Report on a System for General Space Planning. Commun. ACM 15(2): 76-87 (1972)
2 Charles M. Eastman: Heuristic Algorithms for Automated Space Planning. IJCAI 1971: 27-39
1 Charles M. Eastman: Cognitive Processes and I11-Defined Problems: A Case Study from Design. IJCAI 1969: 669-690

Coauthor Index

1Adrian Baer [5]
2Ellen Yi-Luen Do [18]
3Nirva Fereshetian [11]
4Ali R. Kutay [6] [9]
5Ghang Lee [16] [17]
6Shamkant B. Navathe [16]
7Rafael Sacks [16] [17]
8F. Wang [14] [15]
9Lo Ping Wei [18]
10D. Yang [14] [15]
11S.-J. You [14] [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)