
Laurel Evelyn Dyson

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5EELaurel Evelyn Dyson, Elaine Lawrence, Andrew Litchfield, Agnieszka Zmijewska: M-Fieldwork for Information Systems Students. HICSS 2008: 46
4EELaurel Evelyn Dyson, Jim Underwood: Indigenous People on the Web. JTAER 1(1): 65-76 (2006)
3EERobert Kay, Laurel Evelyn Dyson: Learning to Collaborate and Collaborating to Learn: An Experiential Approach to Teaching Collaborative Systems. JTAER 1(2): 36-44 (2006)
2EELaurel Evelyn Dyson: Indigenous australians in the information age: exploring issues of neutrality in information technology. ECIS 2003
1 Laurel Evelyn Dyson: Design for a culturally affirming indigenous computer literacy course. ASCILITE 2002: 185-194

Coauthor Index

1Robert Kay [3]
2Elaine Lawrence [5]
3Andrew Litchfield [5]
4Jim Underwood [4]
5Agnieszka Zmijewska [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)