
Ronald D. Dutton

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24 Robert C. Brigham, Ronald D. Dutton: Bounds on Powerful Alliance Numbers. Ars Comb. 88: (2008)
23EERonald D. Dutton, Robert Lee, Robert C. Brigham: Bounds on a graph's security number. Discrete Applied Mathematics 156(5): 695-704 (2008)
22EERobert C. Brigham, Ronald D. Dutton, Stephen T. Hedetniemi: Security in graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 155(13): 1708-1714 (2007)
21EERobert C. Brigham, Gary Chartrand, Ronald D. Dutton, Ping Zhang: On the dimension of trees. Discrete Mathematics 294(3): 279-283 (2005)
20EERonald D. Dutton, Robert C. Brigham, Chao Gui: Edge-recognizable domination numbers. Discrete Mathematics 272(1): 47-51 (2003)
19 Mary M. Miller, Robert C. Brigham, Ronald D. Dutton: An Equation Involving the Neighborhood (Two-Step) and Line Graphs. Ars Comb. 52: (1999)
18EERonald D. Dutton: Inversions in k-sorted Permutations. Discrete Applied Mathematics 87(1-3): 49-56 (1998)
17EERonald D. Dutton, Robert C. Brigham: On the radius and diameter of the clique graph. Discrete Mathematics 147(1-3): 293-295 (1995)
16 Ronald D. Dutton: Weak-Heap Sort. BIT 33(3): 372-381 (1993)
15EETeresa W. Haynes, Robert C. Brigham, Ronald D. Dutton: Extremal Graphs Domination Insensitive to the Removal of k Edges. Discrete Applied Mathematics 44(1-3): 295-304 (1993)
14EERobert C. Brigham, Ronald D. Dutton: Factor domination in graphs. Discrete Mathematics 86(1-3): 127-136 (1990)
13EERonald D. Dutton, Robert C. Brigham: On the size of graphs of a given bandwidth. Discrete Mathematics 76(3): 191-195 (1989)
12 Ronald D. Dutton, Robert C. Brigham, Fernando Gomez: INGRID: A Graph Invariant Manipulator. J. Symb. Comput. 7(2): 163-177 (1989)
11EERonald D. Dutton, Robert C. Brigham: An extremal problem for edge domination insensitive graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 20(2): 113-125 (1988)
10EEA. Patricia Shelton, Ronald D. Dutton, Robert C. Brigham: Extension of a clique cover result to uniform hypergraphs. Discrete Mathematics 59(1-2): 199-201 (1986)
9EERobert C. Brigham, Ronald D. Dutton: Upper bounds on the edge clique cover number of a graph. Discrete Mathematics 52(1): 31-37 (1984)
8EERobert C. Brigham, Ronald D. Dutton: Bounds on graph spectra. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 37(3): 228-234 (1984)
7EERonald D. Dutton, Robert C. Brigham: Efficiently identifying the faces of a solid. Computers & Graphics 7(2): 143-147 (1983)
6EERobert C. Brigham, Ronald D. Dutton: On clique covers and independence numbers of graphs. Discrete Mathematics 44(2): 139-144 (1983)
5EERobert C. Brigham, Ronald D. Dutton: Generalized k-tuple colorings of cycles and other graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 32(1): 90-94 (1982)
4 Ronald D. Dutton, Robert C. Brigham: The Complexity of a Multiprocessor Task Assignment Problem without Deadlines. Theor. Comput. Sci. 17: 213-216 (1982)
3 Ronald D. Dutton, Robert C. Brigham: A New Graph Colouring Algorithm. Comput. J. 24(1): 85-86 (1981)
2EERobert C. Brigham, Ronald D. Dutton: Graphs which, with their complements, have certain clique covering numbers. Discrete Mathematics 34(1): 1-7 (1981)
1 Robert C. Brigham, Ronald D. Dutton, James R. Driscoll: Complexity of a proposed database storage structure. Inf. Syst. 6(1): 47-52 (1981)

Coauthor Index

1Robert C. Brigham [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [17] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24]
2Gary Chartrand [21]
3James R. Driscoll [1]
4Fernando Gomez [12]
5Chao Gui [20]
6Teresa W. Haynes [15]
7Stephen T. Hedetniemi [22]
8Robert Lee [23]
9Mary M. Miller [19]
10A. Patricia Shelton [10]
11Ping Zhang [21]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)