
Dominique Dutoit

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6EEDominique Dutoit, Thierry Poibeau: Inferring knowledge from a large semantic network CoRR abs/cs/0501072: (2005)
5EEDominique Dutoit, Yann Picand, Patrick de Torcy, Geoffrey Roger: Natural Language Processing and Multimedia Browsing Concrete and Potential Contributions. EUSAI 2003: 356-371
4EEDominique Dutoit, Pierre Nugues, Patrick de Torcy: The Integral Dictionary: A Lexical Network Based on Componential Semantics. ICCSA (1) 2003: 368-377
3EEDominique Dutoit, Thierry Poibeau: Inferring Knowledge from a Large Semantic Network. COLING 2002
2 Dominique Dutoit, Pierre Nugues: A lexical network and an algorithm to find words from definitions. ECAI 2002: 450-454
1EEDominique Dutoit: A Set-Theoretic Approach To Lexical Semantics. COLING 1992: 982-987

Coauthor Index

1Pierre Nugues [2] [4]
2Yann Picand [5]
3Thierry Poibeau [3] [6]
4Geoffrey Roger [5]
5Patrick de Torcy [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)