
Kathleen A. Durkin

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3EENorman L. Allinger, Kuo-Hsiang Chen, Jenn-Huei Lii, Kathleen A. Durkin: Alcohols, ethers, carbohydrates, and related compounds. I. The MM4 force field for simple compounds. Journal of Computational Chemistry 24(12): 1447-1472 (2003)
2EEJenn-Huei Lii, Kuo-Hsiang Chen, Kathleen A. Durkin, Norman L. Allinger: Alcohols, ethers, carbohydrates, and related compounds. II. The anomeric effect. Journal of Computational Chemistry 24(12): 1473-1489 (2003)
1EENorman L. Allinger, Kathleen A. Durkin: Van der Waals effects between hydrogen and first-row atoms in molecular mechanics (MM3/MM4). Journal of Computational Chemistry 21(14): 1229-1242 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Norman L. Allinger [1] [2] [3]
2Kuo-Hsiang Chen [2] [3]
3Jenn-Huei Lii [2] [3]

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