
François-Xavier Dupé

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4EEFrançois-Xavier Dupé, Mohamed-Jalal Fadili, Jean-Luc Starck: A Proximal Iteration for Deconvolving Poisson Noisy Images Using Sparse Representations. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 18(2): 310-321 (2009)
3EEFrançois-Xavier Dupé, Mohamed-Jalal Fadili, Jean-Luc Starck: Deconvolution of confocal microscopy images using proximal iteration and sparse representations. ISBI 2008: 736-739
2EEFrançois-Xavier Dupé, Luc Brun: Hierarchical Bag of Paths for Kernel Based Shape Classification. SSPR/SPR 2008: 227-236
1EEFrançois-Xavier Dupé, Luc Brun: Hierarchical Bag of Paths for Kernel Based Shape Classification CoRR abs/0810.3579: (2008)

Coauthor Index

1Luc Brun [1] [2]
2Mohamed-Jalal Fadili (Jalal Fadili) [3] [4]
3Jean-Luc Starck [3] [4]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)