
Hubert E. Dunsmore

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13 Richard J. Koubek, Gavriel Salvendy, Hubert E. Dunsmore, William K. LeBold: Cognitive Issues in the Process of Software Development: Review and Reappraisal. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 30(2): 171-191 (1989)
12EETze-Jie Yu, Vincent Yun Shen, Hubert E. Dunsmore: An Analysis of Several Software Defect Models. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 14(9): 1261-1270 (1988)
11EETze-Jie Yu, Brian A. Nejmeh, Hubert E. Dunsmore, Vincent Yun Shen: SMDC: An interactive software metrics data collection and analysis system. Journal of Systems and Software 8(1): 39-46 (1988)
10 Samuel D. Conte, Hubert E. Dunsmore, Vincent Yun Shen: Software Effort Estimation and Productivity. Advances in Computers 24: 1-60 (1985)
9EEA. S. Wang, Hubert E. Dunsmore: Back-to-front programming effort prediction. Inf. Process. Manage. 20(1-2): 139-149 (1984)
8EEHubert E. Dunsmore: Software metrics: An overview of an evolving methodology. Inf. Process. Manage. 20(1-2): 183-192 (1984)
7EEDennis M. Volpano, Hubert E. Dunsmore: Empirical investigation of COBOL features. Inf. Process. Manage. 20(1-2): 277-291 (1984)
6 Thomas E. Kesler, Randy B. Uram, Ferial Magareh-Abed, Ann Fritzsche, Carl Amport, Hubert E. Dunsmore: The Effect of Indentation on Program Comprehension. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 21(5): 415-428 (1984)
5 Vincent Yun Shen, Samuel D. Conte, Hubert E. Dunsmore: Software Science Revisited: A Critical Analysis of the Theory and Its Empirical Support. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 9(2): 155-165 (1983)
4 Scott N. Woodfield, Hubert E. Dunsmore, Vincent Yun Shen: The Effect of Modularization and Comments on Program Comprehension. ICSE 1981: 215-223
3EEScott N. Woodfield, Vincent Yun Shen, Hubert E. Dunsmore: A study of several metrics for programming effort. Journal of Systems and Software 2(2): 97-103 (1981)
2EEHubert E. Dunsmore, John D. Gannon: Analysis of the effects of programming factors on programming effort. Journal of Systems and Software 1: 141-153 (1980)
1EEHubert E. Dunsmore, John D. Gannon: Programming factors - language features that help explain programming complexity. ACM Annual Conference (2) 1978: 554-560

Coauthor Index

1Carl Amport [6]
2Samuel D. Conte [5] [10]
3Ann Fritzsche [6]
4John D. Gannon [1] [2]
5Thomas E. Kesler [6]
6Richard J. Koubek [13]
7William K. LeBold [13]
8Ferial Magareh-Abed [6]
9Brian A. Nejmeh [11]
10Gavriel Salvendy [13]
11Vincent Yun Shen [3] [4] [5] [10] [11] [12]
12Randy B. Uram [6]
13Dennis M. Volpano [7]
14A. S. Wang [9]
15Scott N. Woodfield [3] [4]
16Tze-Jie Yu [11] [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)