
Ishbel Duncan

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6EETim Storer, Ishbel Duncan: Two Variations to the mCESG Pollsterless E-Voting Scheme. COMPSAC (1) 2005: 425-430
5EETim Storer, Ishbel Duncan: Electronic Voting in the UK: Current Trends in Deployment , Requirements and Technologies. PST 2005
4 Anastasia Gemona, Ishbel Duncan, Colin Allison, Alan Miller: End to End Defence Against DDoS Atacks. ICWI 2004: 325-333
3EETim Storer, Ishbel Duncan: Practical Remote Electronic Elections for the UK. PST 2004: 41-45
2 Matthew Nicolas Kreeger, Ishbel Duncan: Visualising Privacy and Security for Requirements Engineering. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2004: 813-822
1 Ishbel Duncan, Dave Robson, Malcolm Munro: Test-Case Development During OO Lifecycle and Evolution. JOOP 11(9): 36-40, 44 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Colin Allison [4]
2Anastasia Gemona [4]
3Matthew Nicolas Kreeger [2]
4Alan Miller [4]
5Malcolm Munro [1]
6Dave Robson [1]
7Tim Storer [3] [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)