
Cristian Dumitrescu

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3EEAntonio Albano, Luca De Rosa, Lucio Goglia, Roberto Goglia, Vincenzo Minei, Cristian Dumitrescu: Another Example of a Data Warehouse System Based on Transposed Files. EDBT 2006: 1110-1114
2 Antonio Albano, Luca De Rosa, Lucio Goglia, Roberto Goglia, Vincenzo Minei, Cristian Dumitrescu: Star Query Plans in SADAS: A Data Warehouse System Based on Transposed Files. SEBD 2006: 117-130
1EECristian Dumitrescu: Lexicon Design Using a Paradigmatic Approach. ANLP 1992: 247-248

Coauthor Index

1Antonio Albano [2] [3]
2Lucio Goglia [2] [3]
3Roberto Goglia [2] [3]
4Vincenzo Minei [2] [3]
5Luca De Rosa [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)