
Adam Duguid

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4EEJane Hillston, Federica Ciocchetta, Adam Duguid, Stephen Gilmore: Integrated Analysis from Abstract Stochastic Process Algebra Models. CMSB 2008: 2-4
3EEAllan Clark, Adam Duguid, Stephen Gilmore, Mirco Tribastone: Partial Evaluation of PEPA Models for Fluid-Flow Analysis. EPEW 2008: 2-16
2EEMuffy Calder, Adam Duguid, Stephen Gilmore, Jane Hillston: Stronger Computational Modelling of Signalling Pathways Using Both Continuous and Discrete-State Methods. CMSB 2006: 63-77
1EEAdam Duguid: Coping with the Parallelism of BitTorrent: Conversion of PEPA to ODEs in Dealing with State Space Explosion. FORMATS 2006: 156-170

Coauthor Index

1Muffy Calder (Muffy Thomas) [2]
2Federica Ciocchetta [4]
3Allan Clark [3]
4Stephen Gilmore (Stephen T. Gilmore) [2] [3] [4]
5Jane Hillston [2] [4]
6Mirco Tribastone [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)