
Donna Dufner

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7EEDonna Dufner, Lyn M. Holley, B. J. Reed: Models for U.S. State Government Strategic Information Systems Planning (SISP). HICSS 2005
6EEStarr Roxanne Hiltz, Maryam Alavi, Donna Dufner: Asynchronous learning networks: priorities for software development. CHI Extended Abstracts 2004: 1586-1587
5EEDonna Dufner, Ojoung Kwon, Yong-Tae Park, Qing Peng: Asynchronous Team Support: Perceptions of the Group Problem Solving Process When Using a CyberCollaboratory. HICSS 2002: 3
4EEDonna Dufner, Ojoung Kwon, William Rogers: Enriching Asynchronous Learning Networks through the Provision of Virtual Collaborative Learning Spaces: A Research Pilot. HICSS 2001
3EEDonna Dufner, Ojoung Kwon, Aaron Doty: Improving Software Development Project Team Performance: A Web-based Expert Support System for Project Control. HICSS 1999
2EEDonna Dufner, Ojoung Kwon, Rassule Hadidi: Development and Implementation of Web-Enabled Cyber Collaboratory for Asynchronous Teams (Web-CCAT). HICSS (1) 1998: 330-339
1 Donna Dufner, Starr Roxanne Hiltz, Murray Turoff: Distributed Group Support: A Preliminary Analysis of the Effects of the Use of Voting Tools and Sequential Procedures. HICSS (4) 1994: 114-123

Coauthor Index

1Maryam Alavi [6]
2Aaron Doty [3]
3Rassule Hadidi [2]
4Starr Roxanne Hiltz [1] [6]
5Lyn M. Holley [7]
6Ojoung Kwon [2] [3] [4] [5]
7Yong-Tae Park [5]
8Qing Peng [5]
9B. J. Reed [7]
10William Rogers [4]
11Murray Turoff [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)