
Benoît Duc

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7EEBenoît Duc, Stefan Fischer, Josef Bigün: Face authentication with Gabor information on deformable graphs. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 8(4): 504-516 (1999)
6 Constantine Kotropoulos, Ioannis Pitas, Stefan Fischer, Benoît Duc: Face Authentication Using Morphological Dynamic Link Architecture. AVBPA 1997: 169-176
5 Stefan Fischer, Benoît Duc: Shape Normalisaiton for Face Recognition. AVBPA 1997: 21-26
4 Elizabeth Saers Bigün, Josef Bigün, Benoît Duc, Stefan Fischer: Expert Conciliation for Multi Modal Person Authentication Systems by Bayesian Statistics. AVBPA 1997: 291-300
3 Benoît Duc, Gilbert Maître, Stefan Fischer, Josef Bigün: Person Authentication by Fusing Face and Speech Information. AVBPA 1997: 311-318
2EEBenoît Duc, Elizabeth Saers Bigün, Josef Bigün, Gilbert Maître, Stefan Fischer: Fusion of audio and video information for multi modal person authentication. Pattern Recognition Letters 18(9): 835-843 (1997)
1 Benoît Duc, Philippe Schroeter, Josef Bigün: Spatio-Temporal Robust Motion Estimation and Segmentation. CAIP 1995: 238-245

Coauthor Index

1Elizabeth Saers Bigün [2] [4]
2Josef Bigün [1] [2] [3] [4] [7]
3Stefan Fischer [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
4Constantine Kotropoulos (Costas Kotropoulos) [6]
5Gilbert Maître [2] [3]
6Ioannis Pitas [6]
7Philippe Schroeter [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)