
Anthony J. Duben

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4EERobert Ponec, Anthony J. Duben: Electron pairing and chemical bonds: Bonding in hypervalent molecules from analysis of Fermi holes. Journal of Computational Chemistry 20(8): 760-771 (1999)
3EEAnthony J. Duben: Conformational statistics of the nitrogen linkage in glycopeptides using umbrella sampling. SAC 1996: 38-43
2EEAnthony J. Duben: Conformational statistics of models for serine- and threonine-linked glycopeptides using umbrella sampling. SAC 1995: 108-112
1EEAnthony J. Duben: The effect of the choice of motional model in the determination of molecular conformation in solution from NMR-NOESY spectra: a simulation study. SAC 1994: 561-565

Coauthor Index

1Robert Ponec [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)