
C. J. Duanmu

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10EEC. J. Duanmu, Yu Zhang, Xing Chen, Shuihong Zhou: Multi-octagon-grid search algorithm for fast motion estimation. ICME 2008: 749-752
9EEC. J. Duanmu, Xing Chen, Yu Zhang, Shuihong Zhou: Mixed diamond, hexagon, and cross search fast motion estimation algorithm for H.264. ICME 2008: 761-764
8EEC. J. Duanmu, M. Omair Ahmad, M. N. S. Swamy: Fast Block Motion Estimation With 8-Bit Partial Sums Using SIMD Architectures. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 17(8): 1041-1053 (2007)
7EEC. J. Duanmu: Accelearation of Full-Search Algorithm on SIMD Architectures by Using Eight-Bit Partial Sums of Four Luminance Values. APCCAS 2006: 1575-1578
6EEC. J. Duanmu: A Fast Hexagon-Based Search Algorithm on SIMD Architectures. APCCAS 2006: 1579-1582
5EEChangjiang Zhang, C. J. Duanmu, Xiaodong Wang: Enhancing Global and Local Contrast for Image Using Discrete Stationary Wavelet Transform and Simulated Annealing Algorithm. KES (2) 2006: 11-18
4EEC. J. Duanmu, M. Omair Ahmad, M. N. S. Swamy: A continuous tracking algorithm for long-term memory motion estimation. ISCAS (2) 2003: 356-359
3EEC. J. Duanmu, M. Omair Ahmad, M. N. S. Swamy, Ali Shatnawi: A vector based fast block motion estimation algorithm for implementation on SIMD architectures. ISCAS (4) 2002: 337-340
2EEXiqi Gao, C. J. Duanmu, C. R. Zou: A multilevel successive elimination algorithm for block matching motion estimation. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 9(3): 501-504 (2000)
1EEX. Q. Gao, C. J. Duanmu, C. R. Zou, Z. Y. He: Multi-level successive elimination algorithm for motion estimation in video coding. ISCAS (4) 1999: 227-230

Coauthor Index

1M. Omair Ahmad [3] [4] [8]
2Xing Chen [9] [10]
3X. Q. Gao [1]
4Xiqi Gao [2]
5Z. Y. He [1]
6Ali Shatnawi [3]
7M. N. S. Swamy [3] [4] [8]
8Xiaodong Wang [5]
9Changjiang Zhang [5]
10Yu Zhang [9] [10]
11Shuihong Zhou [9] [10]
12C. R. Zou [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)