
Zhidian Du

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9EEJames Zijun Wang, Zhidian Du, Philip S. Yu, Chin-Fu Chen: An Efficient Online Tool to Search Top-N Genes with Similar Biological Functions in Gene Ontology Database. BIBM 2007: 406-411
8EEJames Zijun Wang, Zhidian Du, Rapeeporn Payattakool, Philip S. Yu, Chin-Fu Chen: A new method to measure the semantic similarity of GO terms. Bioinformatics 23(10): 1274-1281 (2007)
7EEJames Zijun Wang, Zhidian Du, Pradip K. Srimani: Cooperative proxy caching for wireless base stations. Mobile Information Systems 3(1): 1-18 (2007)
6EEMichele C. Weigle, Deepak Vembar, Zhidian Du: Assessing the Impact of Multiple Active Queue Management Routers. GLOBECOM 2006
5EEDeepak Vembar, Zhidian Du: AQM performance in multiple congested link networks. ACM Southeast Regional Conference (2) 2005: 128-129
4EEJames Zijun Wang, Zhidian Du, Pradip K. Srimani: Network Cache Model for Wireless Proxy Caching. MASCOTS 2005: 311-314
3EEJonathan E. Cook, Zhidian Du: Discovering thread interactions in a concurrent system. Journal of Systems and Software 77(3): 285-297 (2005)
2EESook Jung, Christopher Jesudurai, Margaret Staton, Zhidian Du, Stephen Ficklin, Ilhyung Cho, Albert Abbott, Jeffrey Tomkins, Dorrie Main: GDR (Genome Database for Rosaceae): integrated web resources for Rosaceae genomics and genetics research. BMC Bioinformatics 5: 130 (2004)
1EEJonathan E. Cook, Zhidian Du: Discovering Thread Interactions in a Concurrent System. WCRE 2002: 255-

Coauthor Index

1Albert Abbott [2]
2Chin-Fu Chen [8] [9]
3Ilhyung Cho [2]
4Jonathan E. Cook [1] [3]
5Stephen Ficklin [2]
6Christopher Jesudurai [2]
7Sook Jung [2]
8Dorrie Main [2]
9Rapeeporn Payattakool [8]
10Pradip K. Srimani [4] [7]
11Margaret Staton [2]
12Jeffrey Tomkins [2]
13Deepak Vembar [5] [6]
14James Zijun Wang (James Z. Wang) [4] [7] [8] [9]
15Michele C. Weigle [6]
16Philip S. Yu [8] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)