
Jewgeni H. Dshalalow

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5 Jewgeni H. Dshalalow: Corrections to: Queues with hysteretic control by vacation and post-vacation periods. Queueing Syst. 35(1-4): 397-398 (2000)
4 Elijah Eseme Dikong, Jewgeni H. Dshalalow: Bulk input queues with hysteretic control. Queueing Syst. 32(4): 287-304 (1999)
3EEJewgeni H. Dshalalow: Queues with hysteretic control by vacation and post-vacation periods. Queueing Syst. 29(2-4): 231-268 (1998)
2EEJewgeni H. Dshalalow, Lotfi Tadj: A queueing system with random server capacity and multiple control. Queueing Syst. 14(3-4): 369-384 (1993)
1 Jewgeni H. Dshalalow: On Single-Server Closed Queues with Priorities and State Dependent Parameters. Queueing Syst. 8(3): 237-253 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Elijah Eseme Dikong [4]
2Lotfi Tadj [2]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)