
Jacques Droulez

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8EEChristian Boucheny, Georges-Pierre Bonneau, Jacques Droulez, Guillaume Thibault, Stéphane Ploix: A perceptive evaluation of volume rendering techniques. TAP 5(4): (2009)
7EEChristian Boucheny, Georges-Pierre Bonneau, Jacques Droulez, Guillaume Thibault, Stéphane Ploix: A perceptive evaluation of volume rendering techniques. APGV 2007: 83-90
6EEJean Laurens, Jacques Droulez: Bayesian processing of vestibular information. Biological Cybernetics 96(4): 389-404 (2007)
5EEJean Laurens, Jacques Droulez: Bayesian processing of vestibular information. Biological Cybernetics 96(4): 405 (2007)
4EEGilles Reymond, Jacques Droulez, Andras Kemeny: Visuovestibular perception of self-motion modeled as a dynamic optimization process. Biological Cybernetics 87(4): 301-314 (2002)
3 J. McIntyre, F. Stratta, Jacques Droulez, F. Lacquaniti: Analysis of Pointing Errors Reveals Properties of Data Representations and Coordinate Transformations Within the Central Nervous System. Neural Computation 12(12): 2823-2855 (2001)
2EEHuiying Zhong, Valérie Cornilleau-Pérès, Loong Fah Cheong, Jacques Droulez: Visual Encoding of Tilt from Optic Flow: Psychophysics and Computational Modelling. ECCV (2) 2000: 800-816
1 Valérie Cornilleau-Pérès, Jacques Droulez: Stereo Correspondence From Optic Flow. ECCV 1990: 326-330

Coauthor Index

1Georges-Pierre Bonneau [7] [8]
2Christian Boucheny [7] [8]
3Loong Fah Cheong [2]
4Valérie Cornilleau-Pérès [1] [2]
5Andras Kemeny [4]
6F. Lacquaniti [3]
7Jean Laurens [5] [6]
8J. McIntyre [3]
9Stéphane Ploix [7] [8]
10Gilles Reymond [4]
11F. Stratta [3]
12Guillaume Thibault [7] [8]
13Huiying Zhong [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)