
Fredj Dridi

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8EEFredj Dridi, Björn Muschall, Günther Pernul: Administration of an RBAC System. HICSS 2004
7EEFredj Dridi, Björn Muschall, Günther Pernul: An Administration Console for the CSAP System. CAiSE Short Paper Proceedings 2003
6 Fredj Dridi, Günther Pernul: Webocrat: Ein Bürgerportal für e-democracy. GI Jahrestagung (2) 2003: 229-231
5 Fredj Dridi, Michael Fischer, Günther Pernul: CSAP - An Adaptable Security Module for the E-Government System Webocrat. SEC 2003: 301-312
4EECostas Lambrinoudakis, Stefanos Gritzalis, Fredj Dridi, Günther Pernul: Security requirements for e-government services: a methodological approach for developing a common PKI-based security policy. Computer Communications 26(16): 1873-1883 (2003)
3EEWolfram Conen, Fredj Dridi, Eckhart Köppen: A Secure XML/Java-Based Implementation of Auction Services for Complex Resource Allocation Problems. WETICE 2000: 284-290
2EEFredj Dridi, Gustaf Neumann: How to Implement Web-Based Groupware Systems Based on WebDav. WETICE 1999: 114-119
1 Fredj Dridi, Gustaf Neumann: Towards Access Control for Logical Document Structures. DEXA Workshop 1998: 322-327

Coauthor Index

1Wolfram Conen [3]
2Michael Fischer [5]
3Stefanos Gritzalis [4]
4Eckhart Köppen [3]
5Costas Lambrinoudakis [4]
6Björn Muschall [7] [8]
7Gustaf Neumann [1] [2]
8Günther Pernul [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)