
Rebekah Drezek

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3EEMin-Ho Lee, Vengadesan Nammalvar, Andre Gobin, Jennifer Barton, Jennifer West, Rebekah Drezek: Nanoshells as contrast agents for scatter-based optical imaging. ISBI 2006: 371-374
2EERebekah Drezek, Michele Follen, Rebecca R. Richards-Kortum: Optical imaging for the detection of cervical cancers in vivo. ISBI 2002: 816-819
1 George D. Stetten, Rebekah Drezek: Active Fourier Contour Applied to Real Time 3D Ultrasound of the Heart. Int. J. Image Graphics 1(4): 647-658 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Jennifer Barton [3]
2Michele Follen [2]
3Andre Gobin [3]
4Min-Ho Lee [3]
5Vengadesan Nammalvar [3]
6Rebecca R. Richards-Kortum [2]
7George D. Stetten [1]
8Jennifer West [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)