
Guilherme Drehmer

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2EERafael H. Bordini, Fabio Y. Okuyama, Denise de Oliveira, Guilherme Drehmer, Romulo C. Krafta: The MAS-SOC Approach to Multi-agent Based Simulation. RASTA 2002: 70-91
1EEMozart Lemos de Siqueira, Guilherme Drehmer, Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux: Fetal Left Atrium Segmentation using Kohonen Maps to Measure the Septum Primum Redundancy Index. SBRN 2000: 287

Coauthor Index

1Rafael H. Bordini [2]
2Romulo C. Krafta [2]
3Philippe Olivier Alexandre Navaux [1]
4Fabio Y. Okuyama [2]
5Denise de Oliveira [2]
6Mozart Lemos de Siqueira [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)