
Alan Downing

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3EERandall G. Bello, Karl Dias, Alan Downing, James J. Feenan Jr., James L. Finnerty, William D. Norcott, Harry Sun, Andrew Witkowski, Mohamed Ziauddin: Materialized Views in Oracle. VLDB 1998: 659-664
2EEDean Daniels, Lip Boon Doo, Alan Downing, Curtis Elsbernd, Gary Hallmark, Sandeep Jain, Bob Jenkins, Peter Lim, Gordon Smith, Benny Souder, Jim Stamos: Oracle's Symmetric Replication Technology and Implications for Application Design. SIGMOD Conference 1994: 467
1 Rusti Baker, Alan Downing, Kate Finn, Earl Rennison, DooHyun David Kim, Young Hwan Lim: Multimedia Processing Model for a Distributed Multimedia I/O System. NOSSDAV 1992: 164-175

Coauthor Index

1Rusti Baker [1]
2Randall G. Bello [3]
3Dean Daniels [2]
4Karl Dias [3]
5Lip Boon Doo [2]
6Curtis Elsbernd [2]
7James J. Feenan Jr. [3]
8Kate Finn [1]
9James L. Finnerty [3]
10Gary Hallmark [2]
11Sandeep Jain [2]
12Bob Jenkins [2]
13DooHyun David Kim [1]
14Peter Lim [2]
15Young Hwan Lim [1]
16William D. Norcott [3]
17Earl Rennison [1]
18Gordon Smith [2]
19Benny Souder [2]
20Jim Stamos [2]
21Harry Sun [3]
22Andrew Witkowski [3]
23Mohamed Ziauddin [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)