
John Doucette

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8EEJohn Doucette, Malcolm I. Heywood: GP Classification under Imbalanced Data sets: Active Sub-sampling and AUC Approximation. EuroGP 2008: 266-277
7EEBrody Todd, John Doucette: Multi-Flow Optimization Model for Design of a Shared Backup Path Protected Network. ICC 2008: 131-138
6EEBrody Todd, John Doucette: Use of Network Families in Survivable Network Design and Optimization. ICC 2008: 151-157
5EEJohn Doucette, Zhijie Shen: Meta-Mesh Span Restoration and Increased Lightpath Routing in Sparse Network Topologies. ICC 2008: 5274-5280
4EEJude Akpuh, John Doucette: Sizing Eligible Route Sets for Restorable Network Design and Optimization. ICC 2008: 5292-5299
3EEWei Li, John Doucette, Ming Zuo: p-Cycle Network Design for Specified Minimum Dual-Failure Restorability. ICC 2007: 2204-2210
2EEJohn Doucette, Wayne D. Grover, Peter A. Giese: Physical-Layer p-Cycles Adapted for Router-Level Node Protection: A Multi-Layer Design and Operation Strategy. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 25(5): 963-973 (2007)
1EEWayne D. Grover, John Doucette: Topological Design of Survivable Mesh-Based Transport Networks. Annals OR 106(1-4): 79-125 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Jude Akpuh [4]
2Peter A. Giese [2]
3Wayne D. Grover [1] [2]
4Malcolm I. Heywood [8]
5Wei Li [3]
6Zhijie Shen [5]
7Brody Todd [6] [7]
8Ming Zuo [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)