
Zdenek Dostál

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5EEJirí Bouchala, Zdenek Dostál, M. Sadowská: Theoretically supported scalable BETI method for variational inequalities. Computing 82(1): 53-75 (2008)
4EEZdenek Dostál, David Horák, Oldrich Vlach: FETI-based algorithms for modelling of fibrous composite materials with debonding. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 76(1-3): 57-64 (2007)
3EEZdenek Dostál: An Optimal Algorithm for Bound and Equality Constrained Quadratic Programming Problems with Bounded Spectrum. Computing 78(4): 311-328 (2006)
2EEZdenek Dostál, David Horák: Scalability and FETI based algorithm for large discretized variational inequalities. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 61(3-6): 347-357 (2003)
1EEZdenek Dostál, Ana Friedlander, F. A. M. Gomes, S. A. Santos: Preconditioning by Projectors in the Solution of Contact Problems: A Parallel Implementation. Annals OR 117(1-4): 117-129 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Jirí Bouchala [5]
2Ana Friedlander [1]
3F. A. M. Gomes [1]
4David Horák [2] [4]
5M. Sadowská [5]
6S. A. Santos [1]
7Oldrich Vlach [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)