
Xiao-Ming Dong

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3EEMing Wu, Xiao-Ming Dong, Huai-yang Li: Queue Network Modeling Approach to Analysis of the Optimal Stripe Unit Size for Disk Arrays under Synchronous I/O Workloads. IWNAS 2006: 36-42
2EEJi-Guang Wan, Xiao-Ming Dong, Ling Zhan: Research and design of a self-managing storage cluster. GrC 2005: 266-269
1EEXiao-Ming Dong, Ji-Guang Wan, Rui-fang Liu, Zhi-hu Tan: A RAID Controller: Software, Hardware and Embedded Platform Based on Intel IOP321. ICESS 2004: 110-117

Coauthor Index

1Huai-yang Li [3]
2Rui-fang Liu [1]
3Zhi-hu Tan [1]
4Ji-Guang Wan [1] [2]
5Ming Wu [3]
6Ling Zhan [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)