
Chao Dong

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5EEChao Dong, Sandra de F. Mendes Sampaio, Pedro R. Falcone Sampaio: Expressing and Processing Timeliness Quality Aware Queries: The DQ2L Approach. ER (Workshops) 2006: 382-391
4EEChao Dong, Xiao-rong Cheng, Ming-quan Zhang: Research of Mobile Agent Based Network Topology Discovery. ICICIC (1) 2006: 733-736
3EESandra de F. Mendes Sampaio, Chao Dong, Pedro Sampaio: Incorporating the Timeliness Quality Dimension in Internet Query Systems. WISE Workshops 2005: 53-62
2EEZaiping Chen, Chao Dong, Qiuqian Zhou, Shujun Zhang: An Improved Compound Gradient Vector Based Neural Network On-Line Training Algorithm. IEA/AIE 2003: 316-325
1EEZaiping Chen, Qiang Gao, Chao Dong, Hongjin Liu, Peng Zhang, Zhenlin Xu: The Flux-Oriented Control of an Induction Machine Utilizing an Online Controller Parameter Adaptation Scheme. Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2002: 249-258

Coauthor Index

1Zaiping Chen [1] [2]
2Xiao-rong Cheng [4]
3Qiang Gao [1]
4Hongjin Liu [1]
5Pedro R. Falcone Sampaio (Pedro Sampaio) [3] [5]
6Sandra de F. Mendes Sampaio [3] [5]
7Zhenlin Xu [1]
8Ming-quan Zhang [4]
9Peng Zhang [1]
10Shujun Zhang [2]
11Qiuqian Zhou [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)