
Giorgio Donati

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5EEGiorgio Donati, Nicola Durante: On the intersection of two subgeometries of PG ( n , q ). Des. Codes Cryptography 46(3): 261-267 (2008)
4EEGiorgio Donati, Nicola Durante: On the intersection of Hermitian curves and of Hermitian surfaces. Discrete Mathematics 308(22): 5196-5203 (2008)
3EEGiorgio Donati, Nicola Durante: On the intersection of two subgeometries of PG(n, q). Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 26: 51-53 (2006)
2EEGiorgio Donati, Nicola Durante: Some subsets of the Hermitian curve. Eur. J. Comb. 24(2): 211-218 (2003)
1EEGiorgio Donati: On the system of fixed points of a collineation in noncommutative projective geometry. Discrete Mathematics 255(1-3): 65-70 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Nicola Durante [2] [3] [4] [5]

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