
Abbe Don

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4EEDavid Frohlich, Allan Kuchinsky, Celine Pering, Abbe Don, Steven Ariss: Requirements for photoware. CSCW 2002: 166-175
3EEAbbe Don: What's That Character Doing in Your Interface? (Panel Abstract). ACM Multimedia 1995: 445-446
2 Abbe Don, Laura Teodosio, Joe Lambert, Dana Atchley: From Generation to Generation: Multimedia, Community and Personal Stories (Panel). ACM Multimedia 1994: 337
1EEAbbe Don, Susan Brennan, Brenda Laurel, Ben Shneiderman: Anthropomorphism: From Eliza to Terminator 2. CHI 1992: 67-70

Coauthor Index

1Steven Ariss [4]
2Dana Atchley [2]
3Susan Brennan [1]
4David Frohlich [4]
5Allan Kuchinsky [4]
6Joe Lambert [2]
7Brenda Laurel [1]
8Celine Pering [4]
9Ben Shneiderman [1]
10Laura Teodosio [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)