
Marc Domenig

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7 Marc Domenig, Alain Hsiung: Concepts and Tools for Lexical Knowledge Acquisition. AI Commun. 9(2): 79-82 (1996)
6EEPius ten Hacken, Stephan Bopp, Marc Domenig, Dieter Holz, Alain Hsiung, Sandro Pedrazzini: A Knowledge Acquisition and Management System for Morphological Dictionaries. COLING 1994: 1284-1288
5 Marc Domenig, Thomas Domenig, Dieter Holz, Alain Hsiung, Sandro Pedrazzini: Werkzeuge zur Akquisition und Verwaltung von morphologischem und phrasealem Wissen. GLDV-Jahrestagung 1993: 125-139
4EEMarc Domenig: Lexeme-based Morphology: A Computationaily Expensive Approach Intended for a Server-Architecture. COLING 1990: 77-82
3 Marc Domenig: Konzeption einer anwendungsunabhängigen Implementation von morphologischem Wissen udn deren Schnittstelle zu nicht-morphologischem lexikalischem Wissen. GLDV-Jahrestagung 1990: 79-91
2 Marc Domenig: Word Manager: a system for the definition, access and maintenance of lexical databases. COLING 1988: 154-159
1 Marc Domenig, Patrick Shann: Towards a Dedicated Database Management System for Dictionaries. COLING 1986: 91-96

Coauthor Index

1Stephan Bopp [6]
2Thomas Domenig [5]
3Pius ten Hacken [6]
4Dieter Holz [5] [6]
5Alain Hsiung [5] [6] [7]
6Sandro Pedrazzini [5] [6]
7Patrick Shann [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)