
Hans Dolhaine

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4EEMarkus van Almsick, Hans Dolhaine, Helmut Hönig: Efficient Algorithms To Enumerate Isomers and Diamutamers with More Than One Type of Substituent. Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 40(4): 956-966 (2000)
3EEHans Dolhaine, J. Föll: GTT - A Group Theory Trainer. Computers & Chemistry 17(3): 265-269 (1993)
2EEHans Dolhaine, John S. Garavelli, Jack E. Leonard: Comments on papers concerning computer enumeration of permutation isomers. Computers & Chemistry 10(3): 239-240 (1986)
1EEHans Dolhaine: A computer program for the enumeration of substitutional isomers. Computers & Chemistry 5(1): 41-48 (1981)

Coauthor Index

1Markus van Almsick [4]
2J. Föll [3]
3John S. Garavelli [2]
4Helmut Hönig [4]
5Jack E. Leonard [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)