
Jean-Paul Doignon

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15EEJean-Paul Doignon, Samuel Fiorini, Gwenaël Joret: Weighted graphs defining facets: A connection between stable set and linear ordering polytopes. Discrete Optimization 6(1): 1-9 (2009)
14EEJulie Christophe, Sophie Dewez, Jean-Paul Doignon, Gilles Fasbender, Philippe Grégoire, David Huygens, Martine Labbé, Sourour Elloumi, Hadrien Mélot, Hande Yaman: Linear inequalities among graph invariants: Using GraPHedron to uncover optimal relationships. Networks 52(4): 287-298 (2008)
13EEJean-Claude Falmagne, Eric Cosyn, Jean-Paul Doignon, Nicolas Thiéry: The Assessment of Knowledge, in Theory and in Practice. ICFCA 2006: 61-79
12EEJean-Paul Doignon, Marc Pirlot: Ordinal and symbolic data analysis. Discrete Applied Mathematics 147(1): 1-2 (2005)
11EEJean-Paul Doignon, Samuel Fiorini, Gwenaël Joret: On a weighted generalization of alpha-critical graphs. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 22: 401-404 (2005)
10EEJean-Paul Doignon, Samuel Fiorini: The facets and the symmetries of the approval-voting polytope. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 92(1): 1-12 (2004)
9EEJulie Christophe, Jean-Paul Doignon, Samuel Fiorini: The Biorder Polytope. Order 21(1): 61-82 (2004)
8EEChristopher Doble, Jean-Paul Doignon, Jean-Claude Falmagne, Peter C. Fishburn: Almost Connected Orders. Order 18(4): 295-311 (2001)
7EEJean-Paul Doignon, Samuel Fiorini: Facets of the Weak Order Polytope Derived from the Induced Partition Projection. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 15(1): 112-121 (2001)
6EEJean-Paul Doignon: Dimensions of chains of relations. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 2: 149 (1999)
5EEJean-Paul Doignon, Jean-Claude Falmagne: Well-graded families of relations. Discrete Mathematics 173(1-3): 35-44 (1997)
4 Jean-Paul Doignon, Jean-Claude Falmagne: A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Unidimensional Unfolding Representations. J. Algorithms 16(2): 218-233 (1994)
3EEJean-Paul Doignon, Jean-Claude Falmagne: Parametrization of knowledge structures. Discrete Applied Mathematics 21(2): 87-100 (1988)
2 Jean-Paul Doignon, Jean-Claude Falmagne: Spaces for the Assessment of Knowledge. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 23(2): 175-196 (1985)
1EEJean-Paul Doignon: On characterizations of binary and graphic matroids. Discrete Mathematics 37(2-3): 299-301 (1981)

Coauthor Index

1Julie Christophe [9] [14]
2Eric Cosyn [13]
3Sophie Dewez [14]
4Christopher Doble [8]
5Sourour Elloumi [14]
6Jean-Claude Falmagne [2] [3] [4] [5] [8] [13]
7Gilles Fasbender [14]
8Samuel Fiorini [7] [9] [10] [11] [15]
9Peter C. Fishburn [8]
10Philippe Grégoire [14]
11David Huygens [14]
12Gwenaël Joret [11] [15]
13Martine Labbé [14]
14Hadrien Mélot [14]
15Marc Pirlot [12]
16Nicolas Thiéry [13]
17Hande Yaman [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)