
Silke Dodel

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6EEMarotesa Voultsidou, Silke Dodel, J. Michael Herrmann: Neural Networks Approach to Clustering of Activity in fMRI Data. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 24(8): 987-996 (2005)
5 Silke Dodel, Jean-Baptiste Poline, Jean-Luc Anton, Matthew Brett: The Influence of Heart Beat and Respiration on Functional Connectivity Networks. ISBI 2004: 384-387
4 Marotesa Voultsidou, Silke Dodel, J. Michael Herrmann: Analysis of Correlated Activity in fMRI Data by Artificial Neural Networks. ISBI 2004: 872-875
3EESilke Dodel, J. Michael Herrmann, Theo Geisel: Functional connectivity by cross-correlation clustering. Neurocomputing 44-46: 1065-1070 (2002)
2EESilke Dodel, J. Michael Herrmann, Theo Geisel: Stimulus-Independent Data Analysis for fMRI. Emergent Neural Computational Architectures Based on Neuroscience 2001: 39-53
1EESilke Dodel, J. Michael Herrmann, Theo Geisel: Localization of brain activity - blind separation for fMRI data. Neurocomputing 32-33: 701-708 (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Jean-Luc Anton [5]
2Matthew Brett [5]
3Theo Geisel [1] [2] [3]
4J. Michael Herrmann [1] [2] [3] [4] [6]
5Jean-Baptiste Poline [5]
6Marotesa Voultsidou [4] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)