
Marielle Doche

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3EEMarielle Doche, Andrew M. Gravell: Extraction of Abstraction Invariants for Data Refinement. ZB 2002: 120-139
2EEMarielle Doche, Isabelle Vernier-Mounier, Fabrice Kordon: A Modular Approach to the Specification and Validation of an Electrical Flight Control System. FME 2001: 590-610
1EEMarielle Doche, Virginie Wiels: Extended Institutions for Testing. AMAST 2000: 514-528

Coauthor Index

1Andrew M. Gravell [3]
2Fabrice Kordon [2]
3Isabelle Vernier-Mounier [2]
4Virginie Wiels [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)