
Alen Docef

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7EEHong Man, Alen Docef, Faouzi Kossentini: JPEG 2000 Image Coding Standard. Encyclopedia of Multimedia 2006
6EEHong Man, Alen Docef, Faouzi Kossentini: Performance Analysis of the JPEG 2000 Image Coding Standard. Multimedia Tools Appl. 26(1): 27-57 (2005)
5EEAlen Docef, Faouzi Kossentini, Khanh Nguuyen-Phi, Ismaeil R. Ismaeil: The quantized DCT and its application to DCT-based video coding. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 11(3): 177-187 (2002)
4EEIsmaeil R. Ismaeil, Alen Docef, Faouzi Kossentini, Rabab K. Ward: A computation-distortion optimized framework for efficient DCT-based video coding. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 3(3): 298-310 (2001)
3EEIsmaeil R. Ismaeil, Alen Docef, Faouzi Kossentini, Rabab Kreidieh Ward: Motion Estimation Using Long Term Motion Vector Prediction. Data Compression Conference 1999: 531
2 Ismaeil R. Ismaeil, Alen Docef, Faouzi Kossentini, Rabab Kreidieh Ward: Efficient Motion Estimation Using Spatial and Temporal Motion Vector Prediction. ICIP (1) 1999: 70-74
1 Alen Docef, Faouzi Kossentini, Wilson C. Chung, Mark J. T. Smith: Multiplication-Free Subband Coding of Color Images. Data Compression Conference 1995: 352-361

Coauthor Index

1Wilson C. Chung [1]
2Ismaeil R. Ismaeil [2] [3] [4] [5]
3Faouzi Kossentini [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
4Hong Man [6] [7]
5Khanh Nguuyen-Phi [5]
6Mark J. T. Smith [1]
7Rabab Kreidieh Ward (Rabab K. Ward) [2] [3] [4]

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