
Michael W. Dobson

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4EEMichael W. Dobson, Dan Ha, Chad Ciavaro, Desmond E. Mulligan: From the real-world data to game world experience: A method for developing plausible & engaging learning games. DIGRA Conf. 2005
3EEDesmond E. Mulligan, Michael W. Dobson, Janet McCracken: The use of Video Game Technology for Investigating Perceptual and Cognitive Awareness in Sports. DIGRA Conf. 2005
2 Desmond E. Mulligan, Michael W. Dobson, Janet McCracken: A Simulation for Learning Strategy & Perceptual Skill in Hockey. CATE 2004: 142-147
1 Michael W. Dobson: Learning through and by Visualisation: A Case of Inter-media Translation. University Education Uses of Visualization in Scientific Computing 1993: 77-94

Coauthor Index

1Chad Ciavaro [4]
2Dan Ha [4]
3Janet McCracken [2] [3]
4Desmond E. Mulligan [2] [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)