
Susanne Dobratz

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5EESusanne Dobratz, Astrid Schoger: Trustworthy Digital Long-Term Repositories: The Nestor Approach in the Context of International Developments. ECDL 2007: 210-222
4EEUwe Müller, Manuel Klatt, Susanne Dobratz, Sven Bahnik: Electronic Publishing at Humboldt University Berlin - Concepts, Tools and Services. ELPUB 2006: 219-228
3EESusanne Dobratz, Birgit Matthaei: Open Archives Activities and Experiences in Europe. D-Lib Magazine 9(1): (2003)
2EEPeter Schirmbacher, Susanne Dobratz, Matthias Schulz: High quality electronic publishing in universities using XML - the DiDi principle. ELPUB 2001
1 Susanne Dobratz, Peter Schirmbacher: Knowledge Transfer: the UNESCO guide for developing countries on electronic theses and dissertations. EUNIS 2001: 583-588

Coauthor Index

1Sven Bahnik [4]
2Manuel Klatt [4]
3Birgit Matthaei [3]
4Uwe Müller [4]
5Peter Schirmbacher [1] [2]
6Astrid Schoger [5]
7Matthias Schulz [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)