
Irit Dinur

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37EEIrit Dinur, Ehud Friedgut: Intersecting Families are Essentially Contained in Juntas. Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 18(1-2): 107-122 (2009)
36EEIrit Dinur, Elazar Goldenberg: Locally Testing Direct Product in the Low Error Range. FOCS 2008: 613-622
35EEIrit Dinur, Elena Grigorescu, Swastik Kopparty, Madhu Sudan: Decodability of group homomorphisms beyond the johnson bound. STOC 2008: 275-284
34EEIrit Dinur, Elena Grigorescu, Swastik Kopparty, Madhu Sudan: Decodability of Group Homomorphisms beyond the Johnson Bound. Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 15(020): (2008)
33 Irit Dinur, Éva Tardos: Special Issue on Foundations of Computer Science. SIAM J. Comput. 37(6): (2008)
32EEIrit Dinur: PCPs with small soundness error. SIGACT News 39(3): 41-57 (2008)
31EEIrit Dinur: The PCP theorem by gap amplification. J. ACM 54(3): 12 (2007)
30EEIrit Dinur, Madhu Sudan, Avi Wigderson: Robust Local Testability of Tensor Products of LDPC Codes. APPROX-RANDOM 2006: 304-315
29EEIrit Dinur: The PCP theorem by gap amplification. STOC 2006: 241-250
28EEIrit Dinur, Elchanan Mossel, Oded Regev: Conditional hardness for approximate coloring. STOC 2006: 344-353
27EEIrit Dinur, Ehud Friedgut, Guy Kindler, Ryan O'Donnell: On the fourier tails of bounded functions over the discrete cube. STOC 2006: 437-446
26EEIrit Dinur, Ehud Friedgut: Proof of an Intersection Theorem via Graph Homomorphisms. Electr. J. Comb. 13(1): (2006)
25EEIrit Dinur, Madhu Sudan, Avi Wigderson: Robust Local Testability of Tensor Products of LDPC Codes. Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 13(118): (2006)
24EEIrit Dinur, Omer Reingold: Assignment Testers: Towards a Combinatorial Proof of the PCP Theorem. SIAM J. Comput. 36(4): 975-1024 (2006)
23EEIrit Dinur, Elchanan Mossel, Oded Regev: Conditional Hardness for Approximate Coloring CoRR abs/cs/0504062: (2005)
22EEIrit Dinur, Oded Regev, Clifford D. Smyth: The Hardness of 3-Uniform Hypergraph Coloring. Combinatorica 25(5): 519-535 (2005)
21EEIrit Dinur, Elchanan Mossel, Oded Regev: Conditional Hardness for Approximate Coloring Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(039): (2005)
20EEIrit Dinur: The PCP theorem by gap amplification Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(046): (2005)
19EEIrit Dinur, Venkatesan Guruswami, Subhash Khot, Oded Regev: A New Multilayered PCP and the Hardness of Hypergraph Vertex Cover. SIAM J. Comput. 34(5): 1129-1146 (2005)
18EEIrit Dinur, Omer Reingold: Assignment Testers: Towards a Combinatorial Proof of the PCP-Theorem. FOCS 2004: 155-164
17EEIrit Dinur, Shmuel Safra: On the hardness of approximating label-cover. Inf. Process. Lett. 89(5): 247-254 (2004)
16EEIrit Dinur, Kobbi Nissim: Revealing information while preserving privacy. PODS 2003: 202-210
15EEIrit Dinur, Venkatesan Guruswami, Subhash Khot, Oded Regev: A new multilayered PCP and the hardness of hypergraph vertex cover. STOC 2003: 595-601
14EEIrit Dinur, Venkatesan Guruswami, Subhash Khot, Oded Regev: A New Multilayered PCP and the Hardness of Hypergraph Vertex Cover CoRR cs.CC/0304026: (2003)
13EEIrit Dinur, Guy Kindler, Ran Raz, Shmuel Safra: Approximating CVP to Within Almost-Polynomial Factors is NP-Hard. Combinatorica 23(2): 205-243 (2003)
12EEIrit Dinur, Oded Regev, Clifford D. Smyth: The Hardness of 3 - Uniform Hypergraph Coloring. FOCS 2002: 33-
11EEIrit Dinur, Shmuel Safra: The importance of being biased. STOC 2002: 33-42
10EEIrit Dinur, Venkatesan Guruswami, Subhash Khot: Vertex Cover on k-Uniform Hypergraphs is Hard to Approximate within Factor (k-3-epsilon) Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(027): (2002)
9EEIrit Dinur: Approximating SVPinfinity to within almost-polynomial factors is NP-hard. Theor. Comput. Sci. 285(1): 55-71 (2002)
8EEIrit Dinur, Shmuel Safra: The Importance of Being Biased Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC)(104): (2001)
7EEIrit Dinur: Approximating SVPinfty to within Almost-Polynomial Factors Is NP-Hard. CIAC 2000: 263-276
6EEIrit Dinur, Eldar Fischer, Guy Kindler, Ran Raz, Shmuel Safra: PCP Characterizations of NP: Towards a Polynomially-Small Error-Probability. STOC 1999: 29-40
5EEIrit Dinur, Shmuel Safra: On the Hardness of Approximating Label Cover Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 6(15): (1999)
4EEIrit Dinur: Approximating SVPinfty to within Almost-Polynomial Factors is NP-hard Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 6(16): (1999)
3EEIrit Dinur, Guy Kindler, Shmuel Safra: Approximating-CVP to Within Almost-Polynomial Factors is NP-Hard. FOCS 1998: 99-111
2EEIrit Dinur, Guy Kindler, Shmuel Safra: Approximating CVP to Within Almost Polynomial Factor is NP-Hard Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 5(48): (1998)
1EEIrit Dinur, Eldar Fischer, Guy Kindler, Ran Raz, Shmuel Safra: PCP Characterizations of NP: Towards a Polynomially-Small Error-Probability Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 5(66): (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Eldar Fischer [1] [6]
2Ehud Friedgut [26] [27] [37]
3Elazar Goldenberg [36]
4Elena Grigorescu [34] [35]
5Venkatesan Guruswami [10] [14] [15] [19]
6Subhash Khot [10] [14] [15] [19]
7Guy Kindler [1] [2] [3] [6] [13] [27]
8Swastik Kopparty [34] [35]
9Elchanan Mossel [21] [23] [28]
10Kobbi Nissim [16]
11Ryan O'Donnell [27]
12Ran Raz [1] [6] [13]
13Oded Regev [12] [14] [15] [19] [21] [22] [23] [28]
14Omer Reingold [18] [24]
15Shmuel Safra [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [8] [11] [13] [17]
16Clifford D. Smyth [12] [22]
17Madhu Sudan [25] [30] [34] [35]
18Éva Tardos [33]
19Avi Wigderson [25] [30]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)