
Leonid I. Dimitrov

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6EEAndrej Varchola, Anton Vasko, Viliam Solcany, Leonid I. Dimitrov, Milos Srámek: Processing of volumetric data by slice- and process-based streaming. Afrigraph 2007: 101-110
5EELeonid I. Dimitrov, Milos Srámek: Using 3D-Bresenham for Resampling Structured Grids. 3DPVT 2004: 926-930
4EEPavol Novotný, Leonid I. Dimitrov, Milos Srámek: CSG Operations with Voxelized Solids. Computer Graphics International 2004: 370-373
3 Matús Straka, Alexandra La Cruz, Arnold Köchl, Leonid I. Dimitrov, Milos Srámek, Dominik Fleischmann, Eduard Gröller: Bone Segmentation in CT Angiography Data Using a Probabilistic Atlas. VMV 2003: 505-512
2EEMilos Srámek, Leonid I. Dimitrov: f3d - A File Format and Tools for Storage and Manipulation of Volumetric Data Sets. 3DPVT 2002: 368-371
1EEMilos Srámek, Leonid I. Dimitrov, J. Andreas Bærentzen: Correction of Voxelization Artifacts by Revoxelization. Volume Graphics 2001

Coauthor Index

1J. Andreas Bærentzen [1]
2Alexandra La Cruz [3]
3Dominik Fleischmann [3]
4Eduard Gröller (M. Eduard Gröller) [3]
5Arnold Köchl [3]
6Pavol Novotný [4]
7Viliam Solcany [6]
8Milos Srámek [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
9Matús Straka [3]
10Andrej Varchola [6]
11Anton Vasko [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)