
Whitfield Diffie

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18EEWhitfield Diffie: Information security: 50 years behind, 50 years ahead. Commun. ACM 51(1): 55-57 (2008)
17EEWhitfield Diffie: Cryptography: Past, Present and Future. OTM Conferences (2) 2007: 1529-1530
16EESteven M. Bellovin, Matt Blaze, Whitfield Diffie, Susan Landau, Jennifer Rexford, Peter G. Neumann: Internal surveillance, external risks. Commun. ACM 50(12): 128 (2007)
15EEWhitfield Diffie: Chattering about SIGINT. IEEE Security & Privacy 4(1): 9 (2006)
14EEWhitfield Diffie: Ultimate cryptography. Commun. ACM 44(3): 84-86 (2001)
13EEWhitfield Diffie: E-commerce and security. ACM StandardView 6(3): 116-117 (1998)
12 Thomas Beth, Whitfield Diffie: Special Issue Dedicated to Gustavus J. Simmons - Foreword to this issue. Des. Codes Cryptography 7(1-2): 7-9 (1996)
11 Whitfield Diffie: The National Security Establishment and the Development of Public-Key Cryptography. Des. Codes Cryptography 7(1-2): 9-12 (1996)
10 Susan Landau, Stephen T. Kent, Clint Brooks, Scott Charney, Dorothy E. Denning, Whitfield Diffie, Anthony Lauck, Douglas Miller, Peter G. Neumann, David Sobel: Crypto Policy Perspectives. Commun. ACM 37(8): 115-121 (1994)
9 Whitfield Diffie, Paul C. van Oorschot, Michael J. Wiener: Authentication and Authenticated Key Exchanges. Des. Codes Cryptography 2(2): 107-125 (1992)
8EEWhitfield Diffie: The Adolescence of Public-Key Cryptography (Abstract). EUROCRYPT 1989: 2
7EED. G. Steer, L. Strawczynski, Whitfield Diffie, Michael J. Wiener: A Secure Audio Teleconference System. CRYPTO 1988: 520-528
6EEWhitfield Diffie: Security for the DoD Transmission Control Protocol. CRYPTO 1985: 108-127
5EEHarriet J. Fell, Whitfield Diffie: Analysis of a Public Key Approach Based on Polynomial Substitution. CRYPTO 1985: 340-349
4 Whitfield Diffie: Securing Networks: End-to-End Encrpytion vs. Link Encryption and Trusted Systems. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 1983: 136-138
3 Whitfield Diffie, Melville Klein, Michael L. Dertouzos, Andrew Gleason, Dean Smith: National Security and Commercial Security: Division of Responsibility. CRYPTO 1981: 154-156
2 Whitfield Diffie: Cryptography, the Next Two Decades. CRYPTO 1981: 84-108
1EEWhitfield Diffie, Martin E. Hellman: Multiuser cryptographic techniques. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1976: 109-112

Coauthor Index

1Steven M. Bellovin [16]
2Thomas Beth [12]
3Matt Blaze [16]
4Clint Brooks [10]
5Scott Charney [10]
6Dorothy E. Denning [10]
7Michael L. Dertouzos [3]
8Harriet J. Fell [5]
9Andrew Gleason [3]
10Martin E. Hellman [1]
11Stephen T. Kent [10]
12Melville Klein [3]
13Susan Landau [10] [16]
14Anthony Lauck [10]
15Douglas Miller [10]
16Peter G. Neumann [10] [16]
17Paul C. van Oorschot [9]
18Jennifer Rexford [16]
19Dean Smith [3]
20David Sobel [10]
21D. G. Steer [7]
22L. Strawczynski [7]
23Michael J. Wiener [7] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)