
Peter J. Dickinson

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12EEAlexandra Brügger, Horst Bunke, Peter J. Dickinson, Kaspar Riesen: Generalized Graph Matching for Data Mining and Information Retrieval. ICDM 2008: 298-312
11EEHorst Bunke, Peter J. Dickinson, Miro Kraetzl, Michel Neuhaus, Marc Stettler: Matching of Hypergraphs - Algorithms, Applications, and Experiments. Applied Pattern Recognition 2008: 131-154
10EEHorst Bunke, Peter J. Dickinson, Andreas Humm, Christophe Irniger, Miro Kraetzl: Graph Sequence Visualisation and its Application to Computer Network Monitoring and Abnormal Event Detection. Applied Graph Theory in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2007: 227-245
9EEHorst Bunke, Peter J. Dickinson, Andreas Humm, Christophe Irniger, Miro Kraetzl: Computer Network Monitoring and Abnormal Event Detection Using Graph Matching and Multidimensional Scaling. Industrial Conference on Data Mining 2006: 576-590
8EEHorst Bunke, Peter J. Dickinson, Christophe Irniger, Miro Kraetzl: Recovery of missing information in graph sequences by means of reference pattern matching and decision tree learning. Pattern Recognition 39(4): 573-586 (2006)
7EEHorst Bunke, Peter J. Dickinson, Miro Kraetzl: Recovery of Missing Information in Graph Sequences. GbRPR 2005: 312-321
6EEHorst Bunke, Peter J. Dickinson, Miro Kraetzl: Theoretical and Algorithmic Framework for Hypergraph Matching. ICIAP 2005: 463-470
5EEHorst Bunke, Peter J. Dickinson, Miro Kraetzl: Comparison of Two Different Prediction Schemes for the Analysis of Time Series of Graphs. IbPRIA (2) 2005: 99-106
4EEHorst Bunke, Peter J. Dickinson, Christophe Irniger, Miro Kraetzl: Analysis of Time Series of Graphs: Prediction of Node Presence by Means of Decision Tree Learning. MLDM 2005: 366-375
3EEPeter J. Dickinson, Miro Kraetzl, Horst Bunke, Michel Neuhaus, Arek Dadej: Similarity Measures For Hierarchical Representations Of Graphs With Unique Node Labels. IJPRAI 18(3): 425-442 (2004)
2EEPeter J. Dickinson, Horst Bunke, Arek Dadej, Miro Kraetzl: Matching graphs with unique node labels. Pattern Anal. Appl. 7(3): 243-254 (2004)
1EEPeter J. Dickinson, Horst Bunke, Arek Dadej, Miro Kraetzl: On Graphs with Unique Node Labels. GbRPR 2003: 13-23

Coauthor Index

1Alexandra Brügger [12]
2Horst Bunke [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]
3Arek Dadej [1] [2] [3]
4Andreas Humm [9] [10]
5Christophe Irniger [4] [8] [9] [10]
6Miro Kraetzl [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
7Michel Neuhaus [3] [11]
8Kaspar Riesen [12]
9Marc Stettler [11]

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