
Ian Dickinson

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7EEJeremy J. Carroll, Ian Dickinson, Chris Dollin, Dave Reynolds, Andy Seaborne, Kevin Wilkinson: Jena: implementing the semantic web recommendations. WWW (Alternate Track Papers & Posters) 2004: 74-83
6EESteve Phelps, Valentina A. M. Tamma, Michael Wooldridge, Ian Dickinson: Toward Open Negotiation. IEEE Internet Computing 8(2): 70-75 (2004)
5EEIan Dickinson, Michael Wooldridge: Towards practical reasoning agents for the semantic web. AAMAS 2003: 827-834
4EEIan Dickinson, Dave Reynolds, Dave Banks, Steve Cayzer, Poorvi L. Vora: User Profiling with Privacy: A Framework for Adaptive Information Agents. AgentLink 2003: 123-151
3EESarah Spiekermann, Ian Dickinson, Oliver Günther, Dave Reynolds: User Agents in E-commerce Environments: Industry vs. Consumer Perspectives on Data Exchange. CAiSE 2003: 696-710
2EEIan Dickinson, Michael Wooldridge: An initial response to the OAS'03 challenge problem. OAS 2003: 63-
1EEValentina A. M. Tamma, Michael Wooldridge, Ian Blacoe, Ian Dickinson: An Ontology Based Approach to Automated Negotiation. AMEC 2002: 219-237

Coauthor Index

1Dave Banks [4]
2Ian Blacoe [1]
3Jeremy J. Carroll [7]
4Steve Cayzer [4]
5Chris Dollin [7]
6Oliver Günther [3]
7Steve Phelps [6]
8Dave Reynolds [3] [4] [7]
9Andy Seaborne [7]
10Sarah Spiekermann [3]
11Valentina A. M. Tamma [1] [6]
12Poorvi L. Vora [4]
13Kevin Wilkinson (W. Kevin Wilkinson) [7]
14Michael Wooldridge [1] [2] [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)