
Nikolay K. Diakov

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4EENikolay K. Diakov, Zlatko Zlatev, Stanislav Pokraev: Composition of Negotiation Protocols for E-Commerce Applications. EEE 2005: 418-423
3 Nikolay K. Diakov, Farhad Arbab: Compositional Construction of Web Services Using Reo. WSMAI 2004: 49-58
2EEZlatko Zlatev, Nikolay K. Diakov, Stanislav Pokraev: Construction of negotiation protocols for e-commerce applications. SIGecom Exchanges 5(2): 12-22 (2004)
1EENikolay K. Diakov, Harold J. Batteram, Hans Zandbelt, Marten van Sinderen: Design and Implementation of a Framework for Monitoring Distributed Component Interactions. IDMS 2000: 227-240

Coauthor Index

1Farhad Arbab [3]
2Harold J. Batteram [1]
3Stanislav Pokraev [2] [4]
4Marten van Sinderen [1]
5Hans Zandbelt [1]
6Zlatko Zlatev [2] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)