
Danae Diakoulaki

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7EEGeorge Mavrotas, Danae Diakoulaki, Athanasios Kourentzis: Selection among ranked projects under segmentation, policy and logical constraints. European Journal of Operational Research 187(1): 177-192 (2008)
6EEGeorge Mavrotas, Danae Diakoulaki, Y. Caloghirou: Project prioritization under policy restrictions. A combination of MCDA with 0-1 programming. European Journal of Operational Research 171(1): 296-308 (2006)
5EEGeorge Mavrotas, Danae Diakoulaki: Multi-criteria branch and bound: A vector maximization algorithm for Mixed 0-1 Multiple Objective Linear Programming. Applied Mathematics and Computation 171(1): 53-71 (2005)
4EEChristos D. Tarantilis, Danae Diakoulaki, Chris T. Kiranoudis: Combination of geographical information system and efficient routing algorithms for real life distribution operations. European Journal of Operational Research 152(2): 437-453 (2004)
3EEGeorge Mavrotas, Danae Diakoulaki, P. Capros: Combined MCDA-IP Approach for Project Selection in the Electricity Market. Annals OR 120(1-4): 159-170 (2003)
2EEGeorge Mavrotas, Danae Diakoulaki, Y. Caloghirou: A combinatorial multicriteria approach for corporate funding under policy restrictions. Operational Research 1(3): 299-314 (2001)
1EEDanae Diakoulaki, George Mavrotas, Lefteris Papayannakis: Determining objective weights in multiple criteria problems: The critic method. Computers & OR 22(7): 763-770 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Y. Caloghirou [2] [6]
2P. Capros [3]
3Chris T. Kiranoudis [4]
4Athanasios Kourentzis [7]
5George Mavrotas [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7]
6Lefteris Papayannakis [1]
7Christos D. Tarantilis [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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