
Ana Diánez

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15EECamino Balbuena, Martín Cera, Ana Diánez, Pedro García-Vázquez, Xavier Marcote: Diameter-girth sufficient conditions for optimal extraconnectivity in graphs. Discrete Mathematics 308(16): 3526-3536 (2008)
14EECamino Balbuena, Martín Cera, Ana Diánez, Pedro García-Vázquez: On the girth of extremal graphs without shortest cycles. Discrete Mathematics 308(23): 5682-5690 (2008)
13EECamino Balbuena, Martín Cera, Ana Diánez, Pedro García-Vázquez, Xavier Marcote: On the edge-connectivity and restricted edge-connectivity of a product of graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 155(18): 2444-2455 (2007)
12EEMartín Cera, Ana Diánez, Pedro García-Vázquez, Juan Carlos Valenzuela: Graphs without minor complete subgraphs. Discrete Mathematics 307(11-12): 1276-1284 (2007)
11EECamino Balbuena, Martín Cera, Ana Diánez, Pedro García-Vázquez, Xavier Marcote: Connectivity of graphs with given girth pair. Discrete Mathematics 307(2): 155-162 (2007)
10EECamino Balbuena, Martín Cera, Ana Diánez, Pedro García-Vázquez, Xavier Marcote: On the restricted connectivity and superconnectivity in graphs with given girth. Discrete Mathematics 307(6): 659-667 (2007)
9EECamino Balbuena, Martín Cera, Ana Diánez, Pedro García-Vázquez: New exact values of the maximum size of graphs free of topological complete subgraphs. Discrete Mathematics 307(9-10): 1038-1046 (2007)
8EEE. Abajo, Ana Diánez: Size of Graphs with High Girth. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 29: 179-183 (2007)
7EECamino Balbuena, Martín Cera, Ana Diánez, Pedro García-Vázquez, Xavier Marcote: Sufficient conditions for lambda'-optimality of graphs with small conditional diameter. Inf. Process. Lett. 95(4): 429-434 (2005)
6 Martín Cera, Ana Diánez, Pedro García-Vázquez, Juan Carlos Valenzuela: Minor clique free extremal graphs. Ars Comb. 73: (2004)
5EEMartín Cera, Ana Diánez, Alberto Márquez: Extremal Graphs without Topological Complete Subgraphs. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 18(2): 388-396 (2004)
4 Martín Cera, Ana Diánez, Pedro García-Vázquez, Juan Carlos Valenzuela: Complete bipartite free graphs. Ars Comb. 69: (2003)
3EEM. Cera, Ana Diánez, Pedro García-Vázquez: Structure of the Extremal Family ex(n;tkp). Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 10: 72-74 (2001)
2EEMartín Cera, Ana Diánez, Alberto Márquez: The Size of a Graph Without Topological Complete Subgraphs. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 13(3): 295-301 (2000)
1EELuis Boza, Ana Diánez, Alberto Márquez: The center of an infinite graph. Discrete Mathematics 161(1-3): 45-52 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1E. Abajo [8]
2Camino Balbuena (M. C. Balbuena) [7] [9] [10] [11] [13] [14] [15]
3Luis Boza [1]
4M. Cera [3]
5Martín Cera [2] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
6Pedro García-Vázquez [3] [4] [6] [7] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
7Xavier Marcote [7] [10] [11] [13] [15]
8Alberto Márquez [1] [2] [5]
9Juan Carlos Valenzuela [4] [6] [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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