
Sudhir Dhawan

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4 Jama Barreh, Sudhir Dhawan, Troy N. Hicks, David J. Shippy: The POWER2 Processor. COMPCON 1994: 389-398
3 Steven W. White, Sudhir Dhawan: POWER2: Next generation of the RISC System/6000 family. IBM Journal of Research and Development 38(5): 493-502 (1994)
2 Sudhir Dhawan, Ronald C. de Vries: Design of Self-Checking Sequential Machines. IEEE Trans. Computers 37(10): 1280-1285 (1988)
1 Sudhir Dhawan, Ronald C. de Vries: Design of Self-Checking Iterative Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 37(9): 1121-1125 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Jama Barreh [4]
2Troy N. Hicks [4]
3David J. Shippy [4]
4Ronald C. de Vries [1] [2]
5Steven W. White [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)