
Joyoni Dey

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2EEDavid S. Paik, Christopher F. Beaulieu, Geoffrey D. Rubin, Burak Acar, R. Brooke Jeffrey Jr., Judy Yee, Joyoni Dey, Sandy Napel: Surface normal overlap: a computer-aided detection algorithm with application to colonic polyps and lung nodules in helical CT. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 23(6): 661-675 (2004)
1 Joyoni Dey, Takeo Kanade: Modeling and Analysis of Ultrasonic Echoes Reflected from a Surface under Two Layers. MICCAI 2000: 482-491

Coauthor Index

1Burak Acar [2]
2Christopher F. Beaulieu [2]
3R. Brooke Jeffrey Jr. [2]
4Takeo Kanade [1]
5Sandy Napel [2]
6David S. Paik [2]
7Geoffrey D. Rubin [2]
8Judy Yee [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)